My dear friend, Beth Barnes Winterburn, tagged me! So, here are 6 random things about me you may not know...
1)The very first thing I do in the morning (after brushing my teeth) and have been doing for as long as I can remember is fix myself the tiniest sip of orange juice. It is only about 3 oz. but it is just a great start to my day!
2)I have slept on the same flat, feather down pillow for as long as I can remember. It even has my winnie the pooh pillow case on it. And yes Hunter makes so much fun of me!
3)I drink a diet coke every day at 1:00. It used to be 3:30 but now I like to enjoy it while my house is nice and quiet during nap time.
4)Most of you won't be surprised by this but the second my kids heads hit the pillow I run to my dining room to begin working on my next sewing project!
5)I still operate like a school teacher. If I could have things my way all the time we would do the same thing at the same time on the same day of the week. I would have every day of the week planned out from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm. For example Mondays at 3:00 zoo, tuesdays at 3:00 library, Wednesday at 3:00 Park, etc... You get the picture! But I know that this is absolutely not possible with toddlers so I am trying to get over this mentality! I still am extremely routine about certain things!!
6)I am such a morning person and always have been. A lot of mornings I am up and at 'em at 6am- along with my little side kick that is quite the morning girl, too!! So much for trying to squeeze in a little early am quiet time! But that is ok. It is precious time that I get to spend with her!